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Developer Focused Demos 

Thursday, April 4, 2024   |   8 am-9 am PST (4 pm GMT)

Join us for a technical session with live demos showing you how to utilize the latest WireMock Cloud capabilities, such as:

  • Data Faking
    Simulate real world behavior with stateful scenarios and automatic data generation.

  • Mock First Prototyping and Parallel Development
    Increase developer efficiency and replace tedious iteration cycles with a collaborative API prototyping and testing environment.

  • Git Sync for OpenAPI
    Keep your OpenAPI specification, mocks, and validations up to date with bidirectional syncing between Git and WireMock Cloud to ensure producers and consumers work off the same contract and detect drift earlier.

  • API Validation
    Detect drift by applying a form of contract testing to your mock APIs. Contract testing is a technique for validating that two API implementations (such as a mock and a real API) both comply with the predefined contract.

Learn from WireMock Cloud Experts

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Ethan Jones
Head of Product Management

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Dan Perovich
Head of Sales Engineering and Customer Success